Labor Neunzehn at transmediale face value

I’ve forgot to update my blog but many things have happened.
In February, Labor Neunzehn (I’m a part of the project) has curated a workshop and a panel discussion about digital and web preservation at Transmediale Face Value.

Apart from the beautiful location of the festival, which every year is hosted in HKW, our program has received increasing attention. More details can still be found online on the official transmediale website here:

Furthermore it is possible to find an audio archive of the talk “Growing a Repertoire: The Preservation of Net Art as Resistance to Digital Industrialism” between Labor Neunzehn and Rhizome’s director of digital preservation Dragan Enspenschied here:

The workshop and the talk have been curated in collaboration with transmediale festival for art and digital culture and Rhizome.

img © Rhizome

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